Monday, June 6, 2011

My Awesome Life

I wrote this blog post about a week ago, but for some reason never posted it, so here it is. 

I have a confession to make. I like to read about other people's lives. Not in a creepy stalker kind of way. The blogs I read are mostly of people I know. And I know some pretty cool people. I know people who live in awesome places and do awesome things. People who live awesome lives. And...I'm always a bit jealous. I read these blog posts and I think, "Wow. I want to do that. Why don't I do that? Why isn't my life that awesome?"

This is probably a totally normal thing to think. We all have our moments where we envy the lives of other people, assuming they are better than our own. But I think I have been having too many of these moments lately. I haven't been happy with my everyday life. I have been thinking I'm missing something. And I finally realized what it is! It's nothing. It's me.

I think I need to realize that I do live an awesome life. It's just different than the awesomeness of others. It's often awesome on a much smaller scale. So, here is a look at my totally normal, completely uneventful, awesome day:

Kate let me sleep in until 6:30am today. This was awesome because for the past few days she has been waking up before 5:00am. I got her up and took her into bed with me to nurse, which is my favorite morning ritual that we have. Then we played in bed for a few minutes before I went to let Deacon out to "do his business". His poop didn't stick to the grass as much as usual, making it easier to pick up. Awesome. Then we went downstairs to have breakfast. I had cheerios with honey on top. Awesome simple yumminess. Then we went upstairs and I took a shower. Kate was good and played by herself the entire time. Then I put her down for her morning nap. During her nap I was able to do some laundry, exercise, check some items off of my "to-do before I leave for California list", check my email and internet stuff, do my makeup and hair, pray, and read my scriptures. That is one long list of awesome.

After Kate got up we nursed while watching 30 Rock on netflix, then went downstairs to have lunch. I had burritos (yes, plural). Burritos are my favorite awesome food. Kate had mango mixed with oatmeal (yum? She seemed to like it). Then I had an intense craving for chocolate. So I ate some chocolate chips right out of the bag. Awesome.

Kate and I played peekaboo with a big red sheet while I was folding laundry, which means we were folding laundry until it was time for her afternoon nap. It was totally worth it, because she was laughing so hard at that big red sheet. It was awesome, until I put the sheet away and her laughter turned to tears because she was so tired.

I tidied up a bit after she was asleep, and then decided that I was feeling a bit tired myself, and a nap would be far more enjoyable than doing my homework. So I took a nap. I woke up to the sound of Kate gleefully kicking the bars of her crib into the wall. It was awesome.

After Kate was up I had planned on going for a walk in my awesome new sneakers my awesome husband got for me yesterday, but the stroller was left in the car, and the car was with the awesome husband. Oh well. I had some overripe bananas that I wasn't going to eat, and so I made banana bread to entice my awesome husband to come home early. It worked. (Awesome!)

Then Kate got a bit cranky, and so we nursed, but she continued to be cranky and seemed to be having some gas pain. This has been a more frequent thing lately so I called my awesome cousin to chat about it. We chatted until my awesome husband got home.

For dinner I made veggie pasta with broccoli and alfredo sauce. It was yummy. But the awesome part was that my husband cleaned up the kitchen afterward, while I gave Kate a bath. I nursed Kate before bed while watching more 30 Rock, and then put her down in her crib. She fell asleep without a peep (awesome!!) while I watched more 30 Rock. Then I got on my computer to check my email and internet stuff, and blog about my awesome life.

There. Now you can be jealous of me.


  1. I love it. What a great reminder of how the everyday things we do can/are awesome. At times, I too find it hard to not be jealous of what is happening in other people's lives. What an awesome life we all have!

  2. I love everything about this post.
